Today is the day we send our most precious young wizards and witches back to Hogwarts and we are celebrating in style with a huge giveaway!
To ease transition for all our favorite wizard, muggle born and mixed families I’m doing two weeks FULL of brand new Hogwarts inspired crafts, recipes, party ideas, book reviews, DIY projects, costumes and so much more!
Enjoy geeking out with all my blogger friends and me as we share Magical edibles perfect for movie release parties, awesome Harry Potter costumes just in time for Halloween, delightful Wizarding crafts which will make amazing gifts for our favorite bookish friends this holiday season, and more awesome Harry Potter world related fun!
Make sure to pin this post because I’ll be updating this as all the posts are shared throughout the series this year! More projects will appear below see the first post (or click here) to see all the amazingness from past years!

To kick things off this year’s I’ve got an awesome giveaway! One lucky winner will receive all the amazing things below! ENTER by using the widget below (or clicking here). To see all the new Harry Potter projects and find enter check here as they will be updated daily!
- $50 Amazon gift card perfect for picking out your own awesome Harry Potter swag or stocking up on craft supplies to make your own inspired by the great tutorials from the series!
- $50 Shop credit to spend on LuLaRoe with RaeGunRoe who will be having a special Harry Potter inspired event during the series!
- One Harry Potter Baby Costume or House Tie Necklace from RaeGun perfect for Halloween, or sporting to a vacation to the Wizarding world, or just for any old Tuesday!
- One Nerdifore from Giggles and Mischief (put to a $40) she makes the cutest Harry Potter inspired dresses for big girls as well as My Little Pony, Super Hero and other awesomely geeky options.
- Dumbledore and Harry Potter action figures!
- Other surprise Harry Potter swag!
cortney walls (@cortwalls82) says
Dobby and Hermione are my faves! I cant pick lol
Elizabeth Lund says
Love Hermione!
Kellye says
Wait…Pick one??? It depends on the day, and you have to specify what kind of favorite. Favorite student? Professor? Marauder? Order member? Non-human? Are we including Fantastic Beasts? Oh I can’t!!! But I most relate to Tonks & McGonagall, if that’s an answer.
Mo says
My fave character would be Ginny or Hermione!
Nina Reichert says
I love all things Harry Potter and you just feed my obsession…THANK YOU!
Nina Reichert says
I love Hermoine!
Jade says
Hermione is always my favorite, but I have a soft spot for Cho Chang!
Casey says
I did a snitch on my pregnant belly last year, but I haven’t decided what our little Lily is going to be for Halloween this year. I’d love to win one of your costumes!
Rachel K says
I love Luna!!!
Sara Adukonis says
Dobby! I look forward to this series every year, so many great ideas!
Lee-ann Dunton says
Harry Potter inspired LulaRoe?! My favs collide. <3
Lee-ann Dunton says
Hagrid, for sure!!
Shereen || Shereen Travels Cheap says
I love Hermione, but also the Sorting Hat doesn’t get enough appreciation.
Marion says
Christine Pritchard says
Harry Potter and Hermione
Bri Johnson says
I love Hagrid, but they are all amazing! So excited for all the new Harry Potter ideas!
Kathy Thurman says
Snape. Always
ellen says
so, I admit I’m late to the party but I just read the first Harry Potter book! So good! I think my favorite character so far is Harry:)
Stephanie Sheridan says
My favorite character is Moaning Mertle
marinegirl1 says
Its too hard to choose but probably Hermione closely followed by Luna
libraryqueenbee says
Minerval McGonagall, she must have an interesting back story and she didn’t like Umbridge.
Anita Carol Gambrell says
Hermione Granger
BrenDid says
Hermione and Luna… but I love them all. Love all the craft ideas… happy to see the series again this year!
Kristen says
I love Hermione!
sugarbeanbakers says
Luna & Molly are my favs. And McG. And Dobby. And Ron. And Remus. And Ginny. And Fred. Ron. Harry. Hermione. Hagrid. Dumbledore. and. and. and.
sugarbeanbakers says
Luna & Molly are my favs. And McG. And Dobby. And Harry, Ron, Hermione. Hagrid. Remus. Dumbledore. Fred. George. Ginny. Arthur. And. and. and. and………..
ARHunt says
I (heart) Dobby!
Patricia Marie Birk-Smith says
McGonigle is my fav-hands down
Moriah Conant says
Hermione, absolutely.
Kristen Smarzewski says
My favorite Harry Potter character would have to be Luna she is so unique and awesome!!!!!
This is a brilliant giveaway!!! I just watched Harry Potter again tonight while I am wearing my Harry Potter pajamas and socks! I would love the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! “we’ll take the lot!”
Crystal Davis says
My favorite Harry Potter character is Snape. I love Donny and Hagrid too!
Crystal Davis says
My favorite Harry Potter character is Snape. I also love Dobby amd Hagrid!
Sandi says
Albus Dumbledore is one of my favorites, flawed though he is.
Karen Medlin says
Ron Weasley is my favorite,… he has a lot of cute expressions… thank u..good luck to all