Ice cream may very well be the most perfect food! Is there really anything else that is quite so universally happy making? It seems like you think that’s the case too since there were so many amazing Ice Cream Recipes Crafts and Party Ideas in the last few Block Parties.
Ice Cream Card | No Churn S’mores Ice Cream | Popsicle Shirt | Pistachio Ice Cream
Ice Cream Cupcakes | Ice Cream Embroidery Hoop | Fabric Ice Cream Cones | Berry World Pimm’s Lollies
Ice Cream in a Can | Mango Strawberry Sorbet | Honey Peanut Chocolate Ice Cream | Orange Pops
Popsicle Tank Top | No Churn Cake Batter Ice Cream | Giant Ice Cream Pillow | Ice Cream Flowers
Marissa here from Rae Gun Ramblings as your host today!
Here are a few of my posts that have been really popular lately:
Harry Potter Crafts and Recipes | Tips for First Time Moms | How to Hem Knits
Okay, now let’s see what YOU have been up to. Link up to the Block Party and be featured on all our blogs!
Rae Gun Ramblings | Keeping it Simple Crafts | Housewife Eclectic | Coral and Co.
Be sure to read over the guidelines…
- We’d love it if you pinned the Ice Cream Recipes and Crafts Round Up!
- Link to a specific post, not your home page.
- Don’t add links to promote giveaways, other link parties or your shops.
- Visit and comment on at least 2 other links in the party.
- Don’t link posts you’ve linked before.
- This party starts Sunday @ 9pm EST and ends Friday @ midnight.
- By entering a link, you give us permission to feature an image on our blogs. Proper credit and links will always be given.
- Please link back to whatever blog you are linking from and let your readers know you joined the block party and invite them to do the same!

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